Your child may need some tests at the clinic or hospital. These tests help find out whether your child has a health condition, and the best treatment.
For children with a kidney condition, the tests can find out how well a treatment is working. They can also see whether there is damage to their kidneys or other parts of their body.
Blood pressure
Blood pressure (BP) is the force, or pressure, that makes the blood flow round the body. It is very important that your child’s blood pressure is in a healthy range. If it is too high or too low, your doctor will try to find out what is causing this.
Blood tests
In a blood test, a small sample of your child’s blood will be taken from the body, using a needle. This sample will be looked at by specialists in a laboratory.
Computerised tomography (CT) scan
A special kind of X-ray test to build up a detailed picture of the inside of the body.
DMSA scan
Looks at the the kidneys to check whether there is any damage – a chemical is injected into the body and a special camera takes images.